Google Update on Google Search Console Recommendations

As it’s an experimental feature, it might not be visible to you right now.

For a select group of users, Google Search Console is now offering recommendations. According to Google, this service is experimental and provides you with insights and suggestions to enhance the performance of your website on Google Search.

What are Search Console recommendations

The “feature that gives websites optimization opportunities and suggests actions they can take to improve their presence on Google Search” is called Search Console suggestions. Google wrote.

Based on the information Google gathers in Search Console recommendations give you pointers for indexing, crawling, and serving. Google continued, “You could already access the data on Search Console, but we’re now making it easier to access by offering direct recommendations.”

This assistance document contains more information.

How it seems. Here is a screenshot of these updated Search Console recommendations from Google:

These suggestions might offer useful information for enhancing the indexing, scribbling, and serving of your website or that of a client in Google Search. Some might be quite helpful, some might not be that helpful, and some might be obvious to seasoned SEOs.

Why it matters to us

Keep on the look out for these recommendations in Search Console.

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